About this product VB Professional 42mm round hair brush with ash trio wooden handle and section divider. its reinforced heat-resistant bristles conditioning hair by distributing your scalp’s sebaceous oil throughout...
About this product VB Professional Extreme round hair brush 42mm with hornbeam wooden handle and section divider. Its reinforced heat-resistant bristles conditioning hair by distributing your scalp’s sebaceous oil throughout...
About this product VBProfessional Extreme round hair brush 75mm with hornbeam wooden handle and section divider. Its reinforced heat-resistant bristles conditioning hair by distributing your scalp’s sebaceous oil throughout the...
About this product VB Professional 85mm round hairbrush with ash trio wooden handle and section divider. it's reinforced heat-resistant bristles conditioning hair by distributing your scalp’s sebaceous oil throughout the...
الميزات الأساسيةفعالية عالية وبتصميم كلاسيكيّتمتاز بتصميم يجمع بين سهولة الاستخدام والسلامةتمنحك لمسة فنية مذهلة لجميع أحجام تجعيدات الشعرمزود بإمكانية التحكم في درجة الحرارة وشاشة عرض رقمية
About this product VB Professional Extreme round hair brush 85mm with hornbeam wooden handle and section divider. it's reinforced heat-resistant bristles conditioning hair by distributing your scalp’s sebaceous oil throughout...