If your little loose bristles bother you, you can easily iron them with this soft-bristled brush to add a final touch of beauty to all of the different hairdos. Gently...
This brush will help your hair to stay tangle free and with the vents hair dries faster and naturally. It is made out of soft nylon bristles, it will not...
Globalstar hair fiber instantly covers up the bald spots and thinning hair. It is very easy to use and it will last the whole day with just one application and looks...
بتركبيته الفريدة ينعم الشعر ويزيل الترسبات، ويمنح الشعر الملمس الحريري واللمعان الطبيعي الاستعمال: يوضع الشامبو على الشعر الرطب ويدلك بلطف ثم يشطف جيدا With its unique formula, it softens the...