Protects and repairs skin damage from everyday environmental damage Leaves skin feeling moisturized and revitalized Nourish your skin with a blend of natural ingredients that will make your skin soft...
Vitamin-rich base which will leave your body and mind balanced and relaxed Helps to improve blood circulation Specially formulated for a long lasting scent within your body after bath Makes...
Oil spreads easily on the skin and lasts enough to do a full massage Provides a superior oil that smoothly glides when applied on the skin Soothes away emotional tension...
Oil spreads easily on the skin and lasts enough to do a full massage Provides a superior oil that smoothly glides when applied on the skin Soothes away emotional tension...
وصف ڤيزو سينسيا ماساج أويل يأخذ تجربة التدليك إلى مستوى جديد كليا. هذا المزيج يعيد التوازن إلى العقل والجسد والروح. إن التركيبة الفريدة من نوعها، بقوامها الغني غير الدهني، تضمن...