An essential accessory for hair tinting. Touch up hair roots with the tinting brush designed to help you apply color to hair with ease. أداة أساسية لتلوين الشعر. قم بصبغ جذور الشعر...
Professional dye brush great for salon hairdressing use and home personal use. Perfect and necessary accessories for hair dye. Available colors are white, blue and green. فرشاة صبغ احترافية رائعة...
Steel tweezer are the perfect travel tool. Its hand-filed, ultra-thin slant tips provide added precision for expert eyebrow grooming. To make tweezing easier and painless, take a hot shower or use...
Face shields reduce the exposure to and emission of respiratory droplets considerably. If you can get comfortable that face shields provide adequate protection of the respiratory tract, they offer you...
Face shields reduce the exposure to and emission of respiratory droplets considerably. If you can get comfortable that face shields provide adequate protection of the respiratory tract, they offer you...