يمكنها أن تساعدك على تمشيط شعرك بسهولة ويسر وتمنحه كثافة وحجم حتى وإن لم يكن كثيفا للغاية ،تساعدك في فك تشابك الشعر دون ألم ودون أن تتسبب بتكسير خصلات شعرك...
This tinting brush with an angled edge allows you to paint on highlights precisely. It features a pin tail tip for easy sectioning. Flexible nylon bristles. Narrow angled edge. Pin...
It creates better fades and blends with this ergonomic clipper comb. These fine-toothed, easy-grip combs are designed to help you with parting, cutting, and all-around styling. They have a wide grip...
A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid or soft spokes used in hair care for smoothing, styling, and detangling human hair, or for grooming an animal's fur. It can also be...