Globalstar hair fiber instantly covers up the bald spots and thinning hair. It is very easy to use and it will last the whole day with just one application and looks...
يولد بخارًا خفيفًا بكمية مناسبة من الماء. يحتوي على نظام نبض مطول لتسهيل التطبيق.خالية من الوقودالرش المستمررأسا على عقبرذاذ مطولبدون تهويةيمكن استخدام 98٪ من الماء بالداخل200 مل
About this product Selective Professional Artistic Flair Hair Spray Excel Strong is a reliable hair care product that lets you achieve that fuller looking effect with a long-lasting hold. This...
About this product Selective Now Fix Control Spray is a strong and elastic fixing spray, which fixes and freezes the style with no leftovers. Ensures a long-lasting hold to the...