This vacuum clean the comedones, oil, residal cosmetics and care for the wrinkles. Vacuum function cleans dirty pores through suction and increases blood circulation in the skin. Comes with 4...
بتركبيته الفريدة ينعم الشعر ويزيل الترسبات، ويمنح الشعر الملمس الحريري واللمعان الطبيعي الاستعمال: يوضع الشامبو على الشعر الرطب ويدلك بلطف ثم يشطف جيدا With its unique formula, it softens the...
Hair Mask from GlobalStar with Henna extract stimulates hair growth and increases its density, reduces hair loss, treats dandruff and prevents its appearance.It reduces itchy scalp, because it contains anti-fungal...
Hair Mask from GlobalStar extracts olive oil that deeply moisturizes the hair. Olive oil is characterized by its ability to provide deep moisturizing to hair that is characterized by its...