بتركيبته الفريدة ينعم الشعر ويزيل الترسبات و يمنحه لمعان طبيعي وملمس حريري الاستعمال: يوضع على الشعر الرطب ويدلك بلطف ثم يشطف جيدا بالماء With its unique formula, it softens...
The Brazilian Cacau Keratin Treatment is the most innovative and effective professional smoothing treatment in the world. The exclusive formula combines rich natural raw materials and incorporates the latest Brazilian...
Ozma Anti Residue Shampoo (step 1) has been designed to cleanse & remove residues and oils accumulated in the hair and scalp to prepare the hair for the treatment. In...
Ozma Anti Residue Shampoo (step 1) has been designed to cleanse & remove residues and oils accumulated in the hair and scalp to prepare the hair for the treatment....